The Foldable Mobile-Tablet Technology In WESTWORLD

Westworld is all set to be the next big TV phenomenon, and it’s futuristic theme-park setting is the perfect showcase for next generation mobile gadgets and technology and the repercussions we might have to experience in close future.

From book-like foldable tablets right through to the headline ‘hosts’ – robots that look, sound and even begin to think like humans – Westworld’s rich universe is the real star of the show, and its future-gazing technology underpins everything.

There can be so much we can talk about while experiencing this fancy technology park oozing with bits and pieces of tech already available and being worked upon.  But I would like to talk only about the foldable book-like tablets as it might be the most common gadget we all be using in a couple of years.

Foldable Tablets is a very old concept and various companies have already attempted to find the right way to do this. Microsoft – with its Courier – went some way along the road to mass-market production on a book tablet but got cold feet and, ahem, folded the project.

Also Lenovo takes a new approach of creating bendable phones and tablets earlier this year during their tech exhibition in San Francisco.  However any of these prototypes are nothing more than concepts and are way behind being in mass production.

Let’s focus on the Technology created in Westworld and for beginners, the most common tech used in the series are the mobile phablet used by the Engineers made of a threefold touch screen which can be folded into a single screen still functioning unit.  This looks like an amazing concept and with advancements in chat and voice based machine assistance this can be worked as your next development machine too.

The device might have looked a bit large, approx. of about 7 inches after the folds and won’t be a good fit in our pant pockets for now but you never know if we start wearing deep pocket pants when the time arrives.

However when the device unfolds, it doesn’t’ lock into a flat position and still people can use it with perspective screen view.  It is more like a simulation between a multi-screen device instead of a unified screen UI/UX, as it is depicted in the series.

The UI shown within these devices does have a very MATRIX feel to it and hardcode coders would love it.  It looks futuristic  with a lot of blacks and halo greens but it is very dull and techy and we might need to add a bit more glamour if these devices have to make it for common daily use.

The first season ended on a high and it is just an early glimpse of how HBO team has created a whole new dimension for technology and its coming future.

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